There are many things about a pig’s skin which makes it a great pet such as it does not shed any of its hair but just like any other animal, it too can catch hold of certain skin diseases. It is very common for the pig to catch skin problems and these must be treated well within time. There are various skin diseases of pigs that do not cause harm if caught on time. The owners must always take care and keep a watch on the skin and the behavior of their pets so that they are never late in finding out about a problem.
Some of the most common skin ailments are stated below in detail:

• Skin Dryness
This is the most common problem that occurs in pigs. When the pig food is deficient in fatty acids, it causes dryness on the pigs’ skin. Giving a diet rich in fatty acids will make the skin better. If in any case, it is due to some other cause, then Vitamin E can be increased in their diet. Commercially available fat food can also be given. However, if it still does not get better, a vet must be consulted.

• Sunburns
Pigs that have very little pigment in their skin, suffer from sunburns. This too is a very common problem in pigs. These are white tiny spots on the pig’s body. A vet must be consulted so that suitable medicine can be given at the right time to give relief to the pig.

• Mange Mites and Sarcoptic Mange
Mites attack the skin of the pig causing mange mites. This condition causes redness and irritation on their skin and can be easily soothed by applying a de-wormer. In the case of scabies or sarcoptic mange, medical supervision is required because it causes the skin to become thick, flaky, crusty scabbed and red. The pig becomes lethargic and starts losing weight. These symptoms must be caught hold of as soon as possible and the pig must be taken to a skilled veterinary doctor. Proper vaccinations can cure this problem. During the time the pig is infected, it must be kept away from people and other things because this infection can even spread to humans.

• Parakeratosis
This is a serious skin problem that requires attention. It does not cause itching but causes the skin to become thick, crusty and scaly. When the pig’s diet consists of more amount of baked food, it causes zinc and fatty acid deficiency. In this condition, a vet usually gives zinc and fatty acids food supplements.

• Yeast Dermatitis
Scabies, parakeratosis, and yeast dermatitis are three similar conditions and the vet must be professional enough to differentiate. When several yeasts are present on the body of a pig, it causes itchiness on the skin and can be easily treated by using an anti-fungal shampoo to bathe the pig.

Skin problems are quite ordinary in the case of pigs but they need attention and must be treated well within time because in some of the cases, these even can affect other people around who come in contact. It is the diet that matters in many cases and a pig must be fed with a balanced diet so that it does not catch infections.

Skin Problems of Teacup Pigs